Donald Trump’s lies, his behavior towards women, even his appearance – in Europe, especially in Germany, many people cannot imagine why they should vote for the 78-year-old. But Americans have completely different concerns, which he skillfully addresses.
He spoke clearly. He didn’t stumble over his words. He didn’t shout and he didn’t act like a rant. What many had expected or at least hoped for from Joe Biden at the American presidential debate – Donald Trump delivered.
Sure, Trump lied in every other sentence, but no matter how hard the fact checkers tried to correct all the untruths, many Americans were left with the impression that on the one hand there was an old man who could no longer cope – and on the other hand there was someone who may only be three years younger, but who seemed much more agile, fitter and aggressive. A leader, not a grandpa. In snap polls, more than two-thirds of Americans said that Trump was the clear winner of the debate.
Donald Trump creates an almost physical revulsion
Trump is hated in Europe and especially in Germany. His orange skin, blow-dried hair, and his entire gestures and facial expressions make many people feel almost physically unwell. Many Germans find it appalling that he slept with a porn star, tried to cover up the affair with hush money and was the first president ever to be convicted of a crime. It seems inconceivable to them that such a man would even be considered as president – just as many cannot imagine that the Americans, this enlightened people, the inventors of democracy, would do it.
The thing is, however, that many Americans don’t care at all about Trump’s behavior. There is a hard core of supporters, those from the “Stop the Steal” movement, who actually believe that the 2020 election was stolen from him. But the majority who support him in polls, who will also vote for him, know that Trump is a notorious liar and groper, and not a particularly likeable person. But they accept it, just as you would let a child get away with obscenities if they otherwise get good grades at school.
And in the opinion of many Americans, Trump has done exactly that, delivered good grades. Didn’t he stand up to the Chinese? Isn’t it thanks to him that the careless European freeloaders are now contributing more money to NATO? The fact that he tried to undermine democracy and the rule of law is a rather theoretical and irrelevant discussion for many outside the elite circles on the coasts.
Trump, the gut politician
In recent months, the reporters of the star They often travel to the USA, in the deindustrializing Rust Belt as well as on the border with Mexico, and they keep hearing the same message: what people care about is their own wallets, the high inflation. It is the record numbers of refugees crossing the border in Texas or Arizona. What they don’t care about: the discussions in New York, Washington or San Francisco about how Trump might want to transform the Justice Department into an instrument of power after an election.
Donald Trump knows this, or at least he feels it, he is an instinctive politician, and in this respect he remains, as the campaign speak goes: on message.
Those of us who like to underestimate Trump are worried that he might not accept defeat in November, that it might even lead to some kind of civil war. This worry seems more and more unfounded.
Because if the Democrats stick with Joe Biden as their candidate and Trump does nothing but follow his instincts and remain Trump, then we don’t have to worry about possible election fraud or manipulation. Then the result will be what many polls, especially in the swing states, are currently pointing to: Donald Trump will be re-elected President of the United States as normal.