Most young people have many doubts regarding their future when they reach 17 years of age. Some even prefer to avoid answering questions about their vocation or where they are positioned in three, four or five years. This is not the case of Víctor Rodrigues.
The young Taekwondo practitioner has been very clear about his goals in life from a very young age. Of course, the fact that his family has an undeniable Athletic DNA, but the firmness with which Rodrigues, who began his journey in the renowned martial art at 4 years of age, talks about his goals is worth admiring.
“The first memory I have from taekwondo dates back to my first nationals,” Rodrigues said in conversation with Las Américas Diario. “It was a blue belt and was about 6 or 7 years old.”
Rodrigues, who currently resides in Pompano Beach, trains most of the time in the south of Florida; However, long periods of time practicing and improving their skills in Europe, thanks to an ally in Hankuk International School.
The young promise is part of Harvest Olympic Program, located in Margate, Florida.
“What attracted me more of taekwondo at first was the simple habit of competing, the adrenaline that is included with practicing it,” he explained. “It is a process that must be taken step by step. It is complex, but it is also very rewarding,” he added.
Juicy resume
The list of achievements of Rodrigues is broad and significant, especially when taking into consideration his age. The prospect has been, among other things, twice Taekwondo National Champion, three times Pan American Medalist, winner of the silver medal in the European final prix of 2024 and culminated in fifth place in the World Championship last year in Korea south.
“I think that the achievement of the one I am most proud today is the silver medal that I got in the Pan American Games in 2023. I came from obtaining the bronze in the previous edition and although I lost the final on that occasion, it was really a moment Important in my career, “he said.
As is well known, the career of a athlete It requires many sacrifices, regardless of ages. Rodrigues is very aware that his life looks very different from that of a 17 -year -old regular boy.
“This sport has helped me build discipline. The toughest part of all is that you don’t always have motivation to go, but in the end you know you have to do it and I feel good when I am training,” he said. “This was the path I chose and I feel very proud of it. In the end, everything is always worth it.”
Despite its large number of titles, championships and medals obtained so far, Rodrigues maintains a goal between eyebrow and eyebrow: the Olympic Games of Los Angeles In 2028.
It is an ambitious goal and the young talent recognizes it; However, its resume speaks for itself and the effort and dedication required to achieve a similar goal are part of the day to day in their routine.
“The Olympic Games have always been a dream. It is the most important goal I have in my head right now, something I have always wanted,” he revealed. “But the imposing of the objective does not scare me. I know that I have the desire and dedication to be able to achieve it and hope that health accompanies me during all this time, that is the most important thing.”
While Rodrigues has the support of many of his relatives in this difficult path, the presence of one in particular stands out about the rest. Lucas, his father and coach, has played a fundamental role in the young career of the promise from day one.
“It has been my coach from the beginning. But beyond that, it has been my father, so he has helped me in things that go far beyond sport,” he said. “You can see my mistakes and help me correct them, it is a great source of motivation and inspiration. I have a lot to thank you for being where I am.”
Beyond sport
And as if their sports success and family training were not impressive enough, Rodrigues also dreams of a life of triumphs in the academic. Another of its great objectives is to become a physiotherapist and be involved with high performance training programs.
“I’m very interested to help and learn. It’s something that catches my attention a lot and I want to meet,” he said.
It would also be another way to help your community, which within a few years hopes to celebrate its presence in the top sport event, which after a successful edition in Paris last year, will return to US territory in 2028.
“There are many people who have mentally problems, which find it difficult for them. I know well because I have also gone through that and I want Being and that is also among the tasks that I would like to meet. To others, “he concluded.