USA: Trump: Not a dictator if re-elected – "except on day one"

Donald Trump wants to run for president again next year. He now announced his plans for a possible first day in office in an interview with Fox News.

In the event of an election victory and another term as US President, Donald Trump has announced that he will not rule like a dictator – “except on day one.” He wanted to close the national border on his first day in office, “after that I’m not a dictator,” he told the US broadcaster Fox News in an interview conducted in Davenport, Iowa, on Tuesday (local time). Host Sean Hannity asked him if he promised never to abuse his power or use the law to retaliate against anyone.

The Republican Trump, who ruled in the White House from 2017 to the beginning of 2021, was particularly committed to massively strengthening the border with Mexico during his term in office in order to curb illegal migration. He lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden, but to this day refuses to admit his defeat. He wants to run for president again in 2024. In internal party polls, the 77-year-old currently has a huge lead over his Republican competitors.