: US Republican Haley wins primary against Trump for the first time

In the US Republican presidential primaries, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley achieved her first victory in a duel against former President Donald Trump. Haley won the internal party vote in the capital district of Washington, as the Republican Party in Washington announced on Sunday evening (local time) after the vote. The result does not change Trump’s clear dominance in the race, but it does break his previous winning streak and at least gives Haley a symbolic success.

In the US Republican presidential primaries, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley achieved her first victory in a duel against former President Donald Trump. Haley won the internal party vote in the capital district of Washington, as the Republican Party in Washington announced on Sunday evening (local time) after the vote. The result does not change Trump’s clear dominance in the race, but it does break his previous winning streak and at least gives Haley a symbolic success.