US election 2024: Do you know Joe Biden? (Quiz)

Joe Biden is far from thinking about quitting – on the contrary: despite his age, he wants to be re-elected as US President. Test your knowledge of the oldest head of state in the USA.

When Joe Biden was elected US Senator in 1973, NASA had just finished its Apollo moon mission program, the Vietnam War was still raging and in Germany the Chancellor was Willy Brandt. Biden has now left his senatorial status and moved into the White House – as the oldest president in US history.

Only Joe Biden wants to be able to beat Donald Trump

The man from Delaware isn’t thinking about quitting – on the contrary. Although he indicated in the last election campaign that he would be a man of transition, he is running again for the highest office in the USA. Because only he is able to beat Donald Trump.

The “well-meaning older gentleman” doesn’t lack self-confidence. Which could probably be due to his life, which is not poor in deep valleys.
Are you familiar with Joe Biden? Test your knowledge about the oldest head of state in the USA.