Trump verdict in New York – what the press says about the jury’s decision

The word “historic” is appropriate for the verdict of the New York jury in the hush money trial against former President Donald Trump. Many media outlets agree on this.

Donald J. Trump is not just guilty. He is guilty on 34 counts. This was the conclusion reached by the jury in the New York hush money trial on Thursday. The accused ex-president and soon-to-be Republican candidate for the White House sees things differently, however: The visibly shaken 77-year-old described himself as “very innocent” after the verdict was announced.

In fact, Trump does not even have one foot in prison. Even if Judge Juan Merchant sentences Trump to prison in July, observers say it is unlikely that the Republican will see the inside of a cell.

The guilty verdict is certainly historic, and not only American but also international media agree on this. The press comments.

Trump verdict in New York: “The wrong case for the wrong crime was just convicted correctly”

new York Times”: “The jury's decision and the facts presented at trial are another reminder – perhaps the clearest yet – of the many reasons why Donald Trump is unfit for office. (…) Trump has sought to sabotage elections and the criminal justice system – both fundamental elements of U.S. democracy – when he believed they would not produce the outcome he desired. So far, they have proven resilient enough to withstand his attacks. The jury has delivered its verdict, as voters will in November. If the Republic is to survive, we should all, including Trump, adhere to both, regardless of the outcome.”

WashingtonPost“: The significance of this sordid episode (…) lies in the fact that twelve of Mr. Trump's fellow citizens passed judgment on a wealthy former president. This alone suggests that even the most privileged members of society are subject to the same basic legal procedures as other Americans. (…) In a sense, Mr. Trump is right: Even now, his final accountability – the final judgment on him – may come through another route, namely, at the ballot box. And it will be up not to a jury of twelve but to an electorate of millions to pass judgment.”

“He was no longer in the mood to laugh”: Stern reporter describes moment of Trump's conviction

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“Wall Street Journal”: We don't doubt the sincerity of the Manhattan jury, but many voters will digest all this and conclude that while Trump may be a scoundrel, this conviction does not disqualify him for a second term in the White House. Judge Juan Merchan has tolerated (Prosecutor Alvin) Bragg's legal creativity in a way that an appeals court might not. What if Trump loses the election and wins on appeal? If Democrats think there are too many Republicans complaining about a stolen election today, imagine how many there will be next year. (…) The conviction sets a precedent for using legal cases – no matter how questionable – to try to take out political opponents, including former presidents.”

“The Atlantic”: “The wrong case for the wrong crime has just been properly convicted. (…) It says something dark about the American legal system that it is unable to deal promptly and effectively with a coup. But it also says something cheering and hopeful that even an ex-president must be tried for ordinary crimes under the laws of the state in which he lived and conducted his business.”

“Newsweek”: “Trump's conviction is something to be proud of, because it affirms a fundamental American value: No one in this country is above the law. Trump seems to have lived his life believing that the rules that apply to mere mortals do not apply to him. (…) Indeed, the hush money case and its connection to campaign rallies was a shabby way to begin the prosecution of a former president. At its heart was an accounting issue. Uncharged campaign and tax violations. Not funny. It was not the kind of democracy-shattering drama that would be needed to put a president in prison.”

CNN: “This ruling may dent Trump's poll numbers somewhat in the short term. But by November it will almost certainly be long forgotten. Or, perhaps more likely, it will be remembered by Republicans as just further proof that the ‘Elites’ were willing to bend every rule imaginable to take action against Trump, and he refused to back down.”

“Fox News”: “The Democrats may be feeling dizzy now after years of trying to find something to pin on Donald Trump. But the desperation, ‘To get Trump’will ultimately be the Democrats' undoing.(…) Voters no longer have to agree with Trump to support him. They just have to agree that America should have a fair legal system.”

“Los Angeles Times”: “Finally, they have him. (…) There is a consensus in my circle that this will backfire massively as the Republicans come under pressure. Even the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, himself no Trump fan, tweeted: ‘This charge should never have been brought in the first place. I expect the conviction to be overturned on appeal.’ (…) For Trump, the message is clear: the only verdict that matters will be made by the American people on November 5. And he will use the boost he is sure to receive after the verdict just as he did after his previous indictments and legal milestones.”

“The verdict could be the straw that breaks the camel's back”

“La Repubblica” (Italy): “The hard core of his base will not abandon him, however. They will ignore the conviction, which they dismiss as a conspiracy. (…) The risk Trump is now taking, however, is that he will lose potential support among moderate voters who are crucial to a victory against Joe Biden. (…) Sending a criminal to the White House would be too much even for them – an insurmountable red line. (…) The verdict could therefore be the straw that breaks the camel's back and make re-election impossible for him. (…) Trump will no longer be able to claim victimhood, because he was not the victim, but the perpetrator. The members of his cult will continue to believe him, but it will be more difficult to convince those who doubt his morality and his acceptance as the country's leader.”

“Sydney Morning Herald” (Australia): “Nothing particularly new has come to light about Trump's conduct – much of the country already knows that he is a womanizer prone to gaming the system. And compared to all the other trials Trump is facing – one for misusing classified documents and two for undermining the 2020 election – this was arguably the least significant. What is clear, however, is that this collection of 34 verdicts will infuriate Trump, mobilize his base and embolden Republicans who firmly believe that the case against him was politically motivated.”