Pro-Palestine demonstrations in the US: More students arrested at the University of California

Riot police evacuated this Friday to pro-Palestinian protesters at the University of California, specifically on the Santa Cruz campus, because they had blocked the main entrance to the facilities. Even This caused many people to be arrested.the university reported.

The protesters were surrounded by elements of the campus police, municipal police and state police, and local media showed images of the authorities urging protesters to leave the scene. But they ignored it.

Subsequently, The agents removed banners and part of a barricade. There was apparently some pushing and shoving between the police and protesters, and the officers, who were wearing plastic handcuffs, decided to arrest some people.

“For weeks, campers received repeated and clear instructions to leave and stop blocking access to numerous campus resources and the campus itself,” said university spokesperson Scott Hernández-Jason.

“They were notified that their actions were illegal and unsafe. And this morning they also received multiple warnings from law enforcement to leave the area and disperse to avoid being arrested. Unfortunately, many refused to follow this directive and are being arrested,” he added.

Until Friday afternoon, university authorities did not know the exact number of arrests that were made. While the rector Cynthia Larive explained to the student community, through a letter, that some protesters remained at the entrance.

The university authority considered that road blocks carried out “with fortified and chained barricades made of wooden pallets and other materials, and other illegal actions” caused the disruption of the operational activities of the campus and represented a security threatincluding delaying access to emergency vehicles.

Faced with this situation, the University of California chose to teach its classes online.

Will the strike at the University of California end?

Graduate students working for the University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, They will keep the strike active which began last week in protest of the treatment that pro-Palestinian protesters have received by the authorities.

It is even planned that The stoppage of activities will be expanded to three university campuses During the next week, the union announced that it is made up of graduate teaching assistants, researchers and other academic employees.

The union members at the University of California in Santa Barbara and San Diego plan to withdraw next Monday, June 3, while those at the Irvine campus will do so until Wednesday, June 5.