In view of the international crises and a possible election victory for Donald Trump in the USA, CSU leader Markus Söder and EPP chairman Manfred Weber are calling for Europe and Europe’s defense capability to be strengthened. “We know: the world would change if Donald Trump were re-elected,” said Weber on Thursday at the closed meeting of the Bavarian CSU state parliamentary group in Banz Monastery in Upper Franconia. Europe must prepare for this. “There are serious times ahead for the European Union. That’s why cohesion is important.”
In view of the international crises and a possible election victory for Donald Trump in the USA, CSU leader Markus Söder and EPP chairman Manfred Weber are calling for Europe and Europe’s defense capability to be strengthened. “We know: the world would change if Donald Trump were re-elected,” said Weber on Thursday at the closed meeting of the Bavarian CSU state parliamentary group in Banz Monastery in Upper Franconia. Europe must prepare for this. “There are serious times ahead for the European Union. That’s why cohesion is important.”
“The European Union is today naked in a world of storms,” warned Weber. “We are not able to defend ourselves in defense matters. That is the reality of the European Union.”
80 percent of NATO’s military capacity is located outside the EU: in the USA, Great Britain or Turkey. That’s why we need to strengthen the Bundeswehr – and now also create entry into defense structures at the European level. “We have to become strong enough to protect our own interests.”
Europe must become defensible and so strong “that we can secure peace,” emphasized the chairman of the conservative European People’s Party and the EPP group in the European Parliament.
Söder said: “There is a lack of any strategy in the event that Trump is elected.” It is very much hoped that US President Joe Biden will be re-elected in November because he is the better partner for Europe. Trump would also make deals without Europe and over Europe’s head. That’s why Europe now needs a strategy.
Söder also spoke out in favor of “large European defense projects”. A common European aircraft carrier, which is jointly equipped by the member states, could have an “important signaling effect”. “We also need European defense projects that make us stronger together.”