Saliva can help predict injuries in the athletess. The presence of hormones such as cortisol, which is responsible for stress, can influence and promote performance.
This is reflected in research by the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), which has developed an intervention program for Preventing sports injuries through saliva as a diagnostic method. In addition, it provides relevant information on the processes of physiological adaptation to training.
Stress and injuries
UNIR researcher and creator of the program, Manuel Jiménez, concludes in his latest research project that stress is behind one in three injuries.
The work of UNIR, which included the participation of several clubs from the Professional Football League (LFP), showed that high cortisol levelscreatine kinase – an enzyme involved in the production of energy in muscle cells – and reduced levels of immunoglobulin present in saliva are associated with poorer psychophysiological adaptation and a higher risk of injury, according to UNIR.
The saliva analysis procedure is minimally invasive “fast and easy” for the control of the professional athlete and to avoid injuries.
Jiménez is working with the technical team of the Spanish badminton world champion Carolina Marín in preparation for the Paris Olympic Games. He is in charge of checking hormone levels and inflammatory processes through saliva.
This unique program in Spain prevents injuries and monitors stressors that affect performance, allowing the identification of new external stressors beyond training,” says the UNIR researcher.
Diagnostic techniques that are a reality
Jiménez, an expert in proteomics analysis – the study of the structure and function of proteins – and salivary molecules, insists that these diagnostic techniques are a reality. “and have sparked the interest of top 10 Champions League football teams and Olympic athletes of both genders”.
We are also negotiating the incorporation of some teams from the Brazilian First Division,” adds the researcher, who has worked as a performance advisor with teams from the LFP, the Premier League or the ACB Basketball League, among others.
For his part, Carolina Marín’s physical trainer, Guillermo Sánchez, explains in the UNIR statement that “the measurement of hormones in saliva reveals the level of allostatic load of the athlete, interacting with perceptions and emotions.”
This information is shared with the team, made up of experts in psychology, physical trainingphysiotherapy, as well as coaches to adapt the training, also taking into account the athlete’s social and emotional life.
Acute and chronic stress in athletes
UNIR highlights that professional athletes face acute and chronic stress due to the amount of stressors that they have to overcome.
In fact, the tension of competition is modulated by physical aspects, such as training, but also by psychological, performance and social environment.
UNIR stresses that athletes are subjected to pressure resulting from media attention, as well as social stressors – living far from family and friends – and not being able to lead a normal life due to public recognition or fame.
For this reason, he insists that studying the stress responses of athletes allows “reset” their loads at each moment of the season. They also design specific plans for recovery and incorporation into competition after injuries.
(With information from EFE)