President of Guyana says to resolve “peacefully” dispute with Venezuela

GEORGETOWN.- The president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali expressed his country’s commitment to “peaceful and legal” means for the resolution of any border conflict, such as the one between Guyana and Venezuela, which claims sovereignty over the Essequibo region.

“We are all in favor of peaceful and legal means to resolve border conflicts. Our region must remain a Zone of Peace,” he said in his end-of-year speech.

Ali assured that “regional security is an increasingly important issue.” “We live in a world in which peace is at risk from end to end of the universe,” she said.

The Guyanese president highlighted that as of January 1, his country assumes the rotating presidency of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), an organization of which he highlighted its “robust role in guaranteeing international peace and security.”

“It guarantees that Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole continue to be a Zone of Peace. We must continue in 2024 with respect for International Law,” he stated.

“2024 will bring new possibilities to continue with concrete programs to achieve the strategic priorities of CARICOM with the aim of achieving the development objectives of the region and striving for peace and prosperity of the Caribbean community,” he added.

Ali invited the leaders of CARICOM countries to Georgetown in February 2024 to hold the 46th annual summit of heads of state.

“Let us face 2024 with optimism and a reinforced desire to achieve our common objectives of unity and prosperity,” highlighted the Guyanese president.

The dispute between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo dates back almost two centuries, although it was five years ago with the discovery of important oil deposits under its waters when the conflict was revived. Both countries are at odds over 159,000 square kilometers of territory west of the Essequibo River, which constitutes two-thirds of Guyana’s total area.

In the latest episode of the escalation of tension, the United Kingdom sent a warship to Guyana in support of the country, while Venezuela sent more than 5,000 soldiers to the border to carry out maneuvers.