What are the keys to taking long walks?
The College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia offers a series of tips and reminds us that summer is a good time to stay active. They suggest this aerobic exercise as it is accessible and very beneficial for all ages.
Walking has great benefits for cardiovascular health, sleep quality and mood. For this reason, physiotherapists give a series of tips to properly carry out this very accessible activity without it becoming counterproductive.
In addition, it is an exercise that can be done daily as it is within the reach of anyone. However, when it comes to They propose mountain routes or demanding tours There are several aspects to take into account to avoid bad experiences and injuries that have been compiled by the College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia in an informative video.
Preparing for a hike
Some long-distance walks, such as the Camino de Santiago, require mental strength to help you overcome the difficulties and discomforts that will appear along the route. For this reason, physiotherapists recommend preparing yourself thoroughly, taking into account the weather.
Within physical preparation they recommend doing mobilization exercises and Warm up before walking focused on legs, arms and back.
It is also essential to know the route to be taken in order not to endanger the safety of the walker. The stages of the journey must be planned taking into account the length of the route and the proximity of shelters, hostels and hotels, as well as potential inclement weather for which it is necessary to be properly equipped.
Besides, The route must be adjusted to the physical condition of each personIn this sense, the College of Physiotherapists advises that walking is an exercise for which training is required. In this way, each person can gain the ability to do longer stages progressively to avoid injuries and discomfort.
The best clothes for walking
To successfully complete a long journey, it is important to wear equipment that is capable of mitigating extreme temperatures, whether cold or hot. For this reason, it is advisable to wear thermal clothing that is insulated against the cold, as well as a cap or hat to protect yourself from the sun and prevent sunstroke, heat stroke or hyperthermia.
As for footwear, they recommend choosing trekking or mountain boots, made of light, waterproof fabric to keep the foot dry at all times. The sole is also important, as those with good grip prevent falls or slips on rocky or wet terrain, and they recommend using high-cut, elastic, breathable socks.
It is important that all these items are the correct size to avoid blisters or wounds.
The backpack should be light and appropriate for both the needs of the journey and the physical condition of the person. An excessively large and heavy backpack can be counterproductive.
You should also have a relief belt and compression straps to protect your lower back. They also recommend that you wear a waterproof jacket and carry a small first aid kit.
Last tip: How to walk?
Catalan physiotherapists offer basic advice on how to walk correctly and avoid injuries. The most important thing is to maintain a comfortable gait that is adapted to each person’s abilities, placing the foot completely on the ground.
You can also use trekking poles to take weight off your joints and provide extra stability.
It is essential to stay well hydrated throughout the journey, and to rest for at least five minutes for every hour or two hours of walking at most. During these breaks, it is recommended to loosen your shoes and put your feet up to promote circulation and thus prevent swelling of the feet and legs.
Finally, they recommend applying cold locally to the areas that feel overloaded and going to the physiotherapist if any pain or symptoms of subsequent injury appear so that they can assess it and remedy it.
(With information from EFE)