In a week, on February 9, the jungle queen or the jungle king will be crowned at RTL (also via RTL+). Already now tears with the remaining celebrities in the current season of “I’m a star – get me out of here!” However, partly the thread of patience. In the episode of Sunday, Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss (62) can watch another drama at the campfire, even if he “didn’t quite understand the film this time”. But what is it all about and which candidate is chosen from the jungle camp in the February 2 issue of February 2?
If Jörg Dahlmann doesn’t think
First of all, it is briefly about the biggest excitement from the previous day’s edition. Jörg Dahlmann (66) had before the jungle test Donald Trump (78), or his “Fight, Fight, Fight” announcement after the current US president was injured in an assassination in an assassination last year, as inspiration for one Many of them are more very questionable – attempted motivation. He emphasized that Trump was not his case, but the other campers were shocked.
At Maurice Dziwak (26), he now complains that Nina Bott (47) wanted to talk to him about it. He believes that he was blasphemed about him when he was in the exam – and Dziwak and Edith Stehfest (29) had not clarified that he had also spoken out against Trump. “Sometimes you don’t think. You only talk before you think about,” Dziwak tries to explain to the 66-year-old. In his opinion, however, he could not apologize if he was convinced that he had not said anything wrong. The moderation duo Jan Köppen (41) and Sonja Zietlow (56) classify: You can feel “a certain advisory resistance” and nowadays there is simply “too many fat.
Delicious tomato sauce and ripped off Ecstasy rubber bibs
The Yeliz Koc (31), who was still present on Saturday, who was still present at the time of the start of the next priest, will find out with Lilly Becker (48) and Bott that it stinks around the campfire. The reason? Alessia Herren (23) lets the beans and rice burn. Stehfest offers to “still save” the food and the two clash. Men has the feeling that her fellow camper assumes that she would deliberately burn rice and beans. Meanwhile, Sam Dylan (33) sees himself as a rescuer of salt and pepper and does not want to be stuck to waste the precious good for the unsuccessful meal.
In a short interlude around the night watch, Herren lets you “hang out the thick Macker”, according to Dziwak. She simply decided over his head about who should take over which shift, which is why he lost her as a confidant in the camp. “The sound makes music,” he says – and he doesn’t like her tone. He wants to avoid her now if she doesn’t apologize to him.
The drama already mentioned then takes its course. The main actors in Sanoussi-Bliss’ film: Stehfest and Dylan. For stars earned in the last jungle examination, there are camel meat and tomatoes. At the side of KOC, men puts you to choose whether she should conjure up a sauce from the tomatoes or whether you make a tomato salad out of it. The majority decide on the sauce, but stand -up expresses the special request to divide the tomatoes. “It is so exhausting, it is no fun,” says men, who also wonders why stand -up “always has to interfere”.
Gentlemen no longer want to cook, stand -up jumps up promptly and wants to take over. However, when Dylan points out towards standing not to touch “everything unknown”, it is chasing it out and it pops vigorously between the two. He just sits around, she blasphemes and turns her eyes. The rest of the round is at first, but at some point Becker intervenes. Stehfest complains to her that Dylan has not done anything for the team since moving. He, in turn, explains that Stehfest jumps around all the time such as “a gummy bear on Ecstasy”.
And there are other tips even after cooking. The tomato sauce of men seems to taste everyone. “It was outrageously good,” says Timur ülker (35). “I just love it when people like my food,” she says. But there are also people who know and can know everything better. With this she probably alludes to stand -up, which also asks for salt and pepper again and thus calls Dylan on the plan. He should be quiet, she says. However, he does not want to be forbidden.
In the “shopping penalty” there is a snake “on attack”
Maurice Dziwak has to take care of the next jungle test. In the “shopping penalty”, three shops and a snack are waiting for him. There he has to deal with eels, flourwilks, fish waste and a snake “on attack” while looking for the coveted stars with which the celebrities can earn their food.
In between there is “Gyros-Pita with Tsatsiki”, a denture of cockroaches, ducks, a thousand years of egg and stinkofu for the RTL jungle relatively everyday food. “He really tries it,” notes Zietlow. Dziwak chokes and fights, but unfortunately it doesn’t make it. However, the other rounds run better and so he secures a total of seven out of ten possible stars.
Finally, the decision is made as to which celebrity the camp is supposed to leave. After Jürgen Hingsen (67) and Koc had to go, this time trembled steadily and Bott. After all, the moderator and actress has to say goodbye. For them, however, this shouldn’t be too bad. Bott had recently missed her children and her husband very much and spoke in the last seconds of the episode that it was “exactly the right moment”.