Does Emma Coronel say goodbye to social life? These are the new conditions of your supervised release

Due to “reasonable suspicion” that violated the conditions of his supervised releasea United States Federal Court increased surveillance over Emma Coronel Aispuro, wife of drug trafficker Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, who on September 13 was released after serving a reduced sentence.

The District Court of Columbia issued an order on Monday to modify the conditions of Coronel’s release, who must now submit to new restrictions related to the delivery of detailed information on his physical and virtual communications, as well as his expenses during the time remaining in his sentence. conditional freedom.

The new conditions for the wife of ‘El Chapo’

In the order issued by the district judge, Rudolph Contrerasit is detailed that Coronel Aispuro must allow, at any time, without a court order, any law enforcement officer – even if he is not his probation agent – to review his properties and electronic communication or data storage devices.

The accused must submit to a search of (…) the person, property, house, residence, vehicle, papers, computers, cell phones, electronic communications, email accounts, social networks, cloud storage accounts… .and others under the control of the accused“, indicates the Court’s order.

Likewise, the former beauty queen is obliged to comply with the following requirements:

  • Give your probation officer a signed authorization to check your credit history.
  • Your federal and state tax returns; as well as a signed authorization to release this information.
  • A accurate financial statementwith documentation that justifies all the assets, income, expenses and liabilities of the defendant.

Why was Emma Coronel put in jail?

It should be remembered that Emma Coronel, who has dual nationality, Mexican and American, was released from prison on September 13, 2023, after the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) granted him supervised release.

The wife of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán, former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, spent two years and four months in a Texas prison and a couple of more months in a halfway house, after pleading guilty to the crimes of drug distribution and money laundering.

According to files from the United States Department of Justice, Emma would also have been key in the escape of ‘Chapo’ in July 2015, when the capo escaped from his cell in the Altiplano prison through a tunnel built in its 1.5 kilometer long shower.