Arab countries concerned about UN solution for Gaza: ‘Without a ceasefire, there is a license to kill’

The Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has regretted that the resolution reached this past Friday by the UN Security Council is still far from the desired goal of a permanent ceasefire and the delay in its adoption has caused serious harm to the Palestinian people of Loop.

“The adoption of a resolution in the Security Council on aid delivery to the Gaza Strip has arrived late and it is still far from what is expected to be achieved, which is a complete ceasefire“, he stated in a statement collected this Saturday by the official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The text has been approved by 13 votes in favor, zero against and two abstentions – the United States and Russia – after days of intense negotiations due to Washington’s reluctance to the mechanism for monitoring humanitarian shipments coordinated by the UN proposed in another draft, more complete, presented by the United Arab Emirates.

The resolutionwhich although it maintains the mechanism supervised by the UN intact – despite the fact that ANDThe United States advocated that Israel be in control– has left out the request for an “urgent and sustainable” ceasefire in the Palestinian enclave.

“Resolution No. 2272, which was adopted yesterday, Friday, is an attempt to prevent famine in the Gaza Strip and save people, especially women and children, from a catastrophic situation, but is not enough to stop the machinery Israel war nor does it include a ceasefire,” he laments.

The Secretary General also regrets that the rejection of an immediate ceasefire It is a “license to kill”and has asked the United States to make “a correct reading of the situation”, instead of “getting carried away by the desire of the Israeli far right of inflicting a collective punishment and comprehensive revenge” to the population of the Gaza Strip.

More than 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli bombings since last October 7, when the conflict in the region escalated due to Hamas’ incursion into the south of the lands occupied by Israel, where some 1,200 Israelis and about 240 were taken hostage. During the week-long truce in late November, several of the hostages were freed.

Netanyahu appreciates that the US has prevented a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, held a telephone conversation this Saturday with the American President, Joe Biden, in which he thanked him for prevented a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire.

Netanyahu “has expressed his appreciation for the United States’ position in the Security Council,” the Israeli prime minister’s office reported, according to the newspaper. The Times of Israel.

Furthermore, “he has clarified that Israel will continue the war until all objectives are achieved,” including dismantling the Hamas militia, securing the return of Israeli hostages and preventing “the Gaza Strip from becoming a threat again.”