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Six out of ten infectious diseases come from animals

Six out of ten infectious diseases come from animals

Human activity and ecosystems under stress have favored new conditions for the emergence and spread of human and animal pathologiesIn fact, 60% of emerging infectious diseases are of animal origin. …
An overweight teenager was able to lose 200 pounds and reveals what his strategy was to achieve it

An overweight teenager was able to lose 200 pounds and reveals what his strategy was to achieve it

By the age of 15, Nicolas Garratt already weighed 400 pounds (181 kilograms). He faced bullying at school and said he hated himself, feeling like a “freak, a monster.” It …
FDA issues new warning about lead contamination in cinnamon

FDA issues new warning about lead contamination in cinnamon

NBC News The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported in a new alert issued on Thursday that it has identified another cinnamon product for sale in the United States that …
Bathroom frequency is linked to health and body alerts

Bathroom frequency is linked to health and body alerts

Age, sex and body mass index are “significantly related” with bowel movement frequency, according to a study that delves into the relationship between long-term health and the frequency of bowel …


Netanjahu schüttelt Harris' Hand

Gaza War Netanyahu faces headwinds from Harris and Biden

US President Biden is putting pressure on his Israeli counterpart Netanyahu during his visit to the White House – an agreement with Hamas should finally be reached. Vice President Kamala …
Trump: Harris war respektlos gegenüber Israel. Foto: Alex Brandon/AP/dpa

Situation at a glance Harris and Biden push for hostage deal – criticism from Israel

After political appointments in the US capital Washington, Israel’s head of government travels on to Florida. There he meets a man in election campaign mode. At a meeting with Israeli …
Melania Trump

Former First Lady Melania Trump announces biography – and promises intimate insights

Melania Trump is best known as the wife of Donald Trump. While her husband is busy with the US election campaign, she is now announcing her memoirs. She is best …
Kamala Harris will eine zweite Präsidentschaft von Donald Trump verhindern - auch mit der Hilfe von Gen Z?

Already well over a million followers Kamala Harris conquers TikTok

Kamala Harris is canvassing for votes on TikTok. Trump’s designated challenger is landing on the platform with a lot of momentum. The new voters could be the deciding factor in …


What is Kamala made of? – El Financiero

What is Kamala made of? – El Financiero

Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States, won his party’s nomination based on charisma, a somewhat poetic speech and a vision of a country in which there was …
PROFILE: Joaquin Guzman Lopez, the 'narcojunior' who ended up detained in the US

PROFILE: Joaquin Guzman Lopez, the ‘narcojunior’ who ended up detained in the US

The US authorities have dealt a decisive blow to the Sinaloa Cartelwith the arrest of Ismael El May Zambada, and Joaquin Guzman Lopez, The Blondin El Paso, Texas (United States). …
'Revenge and betrayal': The last trip of 'Mayo' Zambada, the untouchable drug lord

‘Revenge and betrayal’: The last trip of ‘Mayo’ Zambada, the untouchable drug lord

After 2:00 p.m. and 1,500 kilometers from his homeland, the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, Ismael ‘El May‘ Zambada was arrested This Thursday, July 25th. The news spread in minutes …
international debacle – El Financiero

international debacle – El Financiero

With just over two months to go until the end of his term, there will be plenty of assessments and retrospectives from the president of the 4T, the leader, the …


The United States Environmental Protection Agency awards $20 billion in grants to "green" projects across the country

The United States Environmental Protection Agency awards $20 billion in grants to “green” projects across the country

Washington.- The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded this Thursday $20 billion in subsidies to promote the development of “green” energy projects throughout the country. The money will …
New, stricter emissions standards in the US.  Cars produced between 2026 and 2031 must reduce their emissions

New, stricter emissions standards in the US. Cars produced between 2026 and 2031 must reduce their emissions

Washington.- The United States has revealed new, stricter emissions standards, which vehicles sold in the country will have to meet between the end of 2026 and mid-2031 and which will …
Methane gas emissions in part of the US triple the official estimate, according to a study

Methane gas emissions in part of the US triple the official estimate, according to a study

New York.- A study published in the journal Nature suggests that methane gas emissions in part of the United States triple the official estimate and calculates that this represents an …
Spring is coming early, Phill the groundhog announces

Spring is coming early, Phill the groundhog announces

Washington.- Phil the groundhog emerged this Friday from the den where he hibernated in Punxsutawney (Pennsylvania), did not see his shadow and predicted that Americans will have an early spring, …


Two museums you must visit in New York, the capital of the world

Two museums you must visit in New York, the capital of the world

Perhaps this magic is due to its cosmopolitan nature, where residents and visitors alike can find themselves in the presence of the imposing St. Patrick’s Cathedral, nestled in the heart …
Cuban regime announces measures to dollarize "some sectors" of the economy

Cuban regime announces measures to dollarize “some sectors” of the economy

HAVANA — Cuba will take measures such as selling tourist services in foreign currencies or charging tariffs to private importers in those currencies, although this will imply a partial dollarization …
San Antonio, historic city, fun and pride

San Antonio, historic city, fun and pride

MIAMI.- Traveling around the US, we see that there is no shortage of things to enjoy in Saint AnthonyTexas. This historic city boasts a unique cuisine that pleases palates and …
Spain expects record number of visitors amid protests: 'Tourists, go home'

Spain expects record number of visitors amid protests: ‘Tourists, go home’

Barcelona, ​​Spain expects to receive around 41 million visitors this summer, a new record, according to estimates by the Ministry of Tourism, amid a wave of protests against the “excessive …