Georgine Kellermann is 66 years old and is only experiencing International Women's Day for the fourth time as a woman. With the star She talks about the challenges of modern feminism and what gives her hope.
Woman Kellerman, at the age of 62 you had your public coming out. This is now the fourth International Women's Day, which you can celebrate as yourself.
I'm very happy that I can be there. For a long time I envied those who had always committed it because I wanted so much to be part of it. On my first International Women's Day after coming out, I posted a picture of myself standing next to a fallen sequoia tree in California. Below I wrote: “For the first time at International Women’s Day.” There was a lot of encouragement. The fact that it was noticed that there was a person who had found happiness was special for me. A colleague once said, “Welcome to the other side.”