Trump reiterates rejection of border protection compromise with Biden’s Democrats

In the dispute between US President Joe Biden and the opposition Republicans over border protection, former President Donald Trump has reiterated his rejection of a compromise in Congress. “I’d rather have no law than a bad law,” said the favorite for the Republican presidential nomination at a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Saturday. Biden, however, once again supported the proposed law.

During a speech in the US state of South Carolina, Biden promoted the current bill, which he said would introduce the “toughest” border reforms ever. As president, Biden said he would give him “emergency authority to close the border until it is back under control.” “If this law came into effect today, I would close the border immediately and get it back in order quickly.”

Trump had previously denounced the current situation at the US borders as a “catastrophe that is about to happen.” “Close the border,” Trump demanded on his online network Truth Social on Saturday. “A border deal is far worse than no border deal,” explained the right-wing populist.

During his speech in Las Vegas, Nevada, Trump announced that if he were to win the election, he would “use all necessary military and police resources to seal off the last section of the border.” To cheers from his supporters, Trump added that he would launch the “largest deportation operation” in US history.

With his statements, the Republican added further fuel to the fire in the dispute between the government camp and the opposition over border protection and new aid to Ukraine. In the US Senate, Trump’s Republicans and US President Biden’s Democrats have been struggling for weeks to find a compromise on measures to secure the US border with Mexico. The Republicans have made this a condition in order to support the new billions in aid for Ukraine demanded by Biden.

After there appeared to be progress in the talks, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, assured that his party would not support a corresponding deal from the Senate in his congressional chamber. Biden then urged Republicans on Friday not to block a compromise on border protection. “If you are serious about the border crisis, pass bipartisan legislation and I will sign it,” he said.

Observers suspect that Trump is rejecting any agreement between Democrats and Republicans on the politically contentious issue because Biden could claim this as a success for himself. An agreement could help the incumbent in the election campaign.

Trump is the clear favorite in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Few in the party dare to oppose the 77-year-old’s demands, which is why Trump has great influence on the Republicans in Congress.

In October, Biden asked Congress for new aid for Kiev amounting to around $61 billion (almost €56 billion). However, this is met with rejection by some Republicans. The conservatives can block further funding for Ukraine as well as border protection legislation with their majority in the House of Representatives and their blocking minority in the Senate.

Washington has so far been Ukraine’s most important supporter in the war against Russia. Since Russia’s war of aggression began in February 2022, the United States has provided or promised more than $44 billion in military aid to Ukraine. However, the funds approved by Congress have now been exhausted. The last aid package for now was announced at the end of December.

A long-term US failure would have serious consequences for Kiev. The Western allies of the USA and Ukraine are therefore looking to Washington with great concern.