Trump compares pro-Palestine protests at US universities to right-wing extremist demonstrations

Donald Trump is certain: a deadly march by right-wing extremists in Charlottesville and pro-Palestine demonstrations at US universities are certainly comparable. The ex-president goes even further.

Former US President Donald Trump has condemned pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses across the United States, comparing them to a deadly demonstration by right-wing extremists in the city of Charlottesville in 2017. The extent of the “hate” now is significantly worse than in Charlottesville, Trump said on Thursday. Charlottesville was “nothing in comparison – and the hate was not the kind of hate we have here.”

Right-wing extremist killed a woman in Charlottesville – Trump spoke of “violence on many sides”

At a right-wing extremist demonstration in Charlottesville in 2017, a neo-Nazi drove his car into a group of counter-demonstrators. One woman was killed and 19 other people were injured.

The march of neo-Nazis and other racists in Charlottesville made headlines around the world – also because Trump, then US President, equated the behavior of right-wing extremists and counter-demonstrators and spoke of “violence on many sides”.

Arrests at pro-Palestine demonstrations in Los Angeles

There have been pro-Palestinian protests at universities in the USA since last week. They began at Columbia University in New York with calls for the university to divest from companies that have connections to Israel. There were dozens of arrests there last week after the university called police to break up the protest. Some of the protesters are accused of anti-Semitism and trivializing the Islamist Hamas, whose goal, among other things, is the elimination of the state of Israel. Hamas triggered the Gaza war with its massacres and hostage-taking in Israel on October 7th last year.

On Wednesday evening (local time), the police in Los Angeles arrested more than 90 people who were said to have invaded the grounds of the University of Southern California during demonstrations, as the US broadcaster CNN reported. Accordingly, demonstrators are said to have set up tents on the campus of the private university, among other things.