They recommend 30 minutes of daily exercise to prevent cancer

How to develop actions for cancer prevention? The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) focuses on physical exercise and encourages citizens to join the social movement 'Exercise against cancer'.

This action spreads a video on social networks practicing exercise and emphasizing the main message of the movement: “Physical exercise is your great ally before, during and after cancer.”

Physical exercise can reduce the risk by 30%

According to SEOM, physical exercise can reduce the risk of breast, colon, urinary bladder, endometrium, and esophagus cancer by up to 30 percent, and by almost 20%, the risk of specific mortality due to oncological diseases.

The strongest data to date focus on breast cancer and colorectal cancer, but this benefit extends to other tumors such as prostate and lung cancer.

Furthermore, physical exercise has shown Improve Life Quality and reduce the side effects derived from the treatments, by increasing the cardiorespiratory capacity of patients and reducing fatigue, and improving the perception of their health.

Physical exercise is a fundamental pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and there is consistent evidence on the association between physical exercise and the reduction in cancer incidence and mortality. Despite the benefits of physical exercise being well documented, few cancer patients remain physically active due to a lack of information on the part of health professionals, and patient reluctance due to side effects and fear of new adverse effects. , to a lack of motivation or to difficulties in accessing exercise,” emphasizes the president of SEOM, César A. Rodríguez.

In addition to exercise – continues Dr. Rodríguez – “it is important to adopt healthy lifestyles, avoiding tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, obesity and unprotected sun exposure, avoidable risk factors responsible for a third of cancer deaths.

Sedentary lifestyle, enemy of cancer prevention

In Spain, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), only 37.7% of the adult population performs regular physical activity while 27.4% of the population declares themselves sedentary.

SEOM, through its Exercise and Cancer Working Group, is working to reverse the situation and with the social movement Exercise against Cancer wants to achieve greater awareness among patients and health professionals about the importance of staying physically healthy. assets.

Performing physical exercise is safe during all stages of cancer care, even during active treatments such as chemotherapy, since it is associated with better tolerance to them, and could even increase responses,” says the president of SEOM.

“Exercise against cancer is a movement to raise awareness in society that cancer prevention begins with just 30 minutes of physical exercise a day. Various studies indicate that daily physical activity helps control weight, improves hormonal regulation, strengthens the immune system, and reduces inflammation, blood sugar levels, and insulin resistance. And, in cancer patients, physical exercise can be useful in reducing fatigue and depression, in addition to positively influencing the effectiveness of treatments, increasing responses or reducing relapses. Therefore, it helps in recovery,” adds Dr. Blanca Herrero, coordinator of the SEOM Exercise and Cancer Working Group.

(With information from EFE)
