The US condemns the assault on the Mexican embassy in Ecuador. This asked the two countries

The United States Department of State condemned this Saturday the violation of the Vienna Convention which involved the assault on the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador, for which he urged Washington's two allies to “resolve their differences in accordance with international standards.”

State Department spokesperson Matthew Millerindicated that “The United States condemns any violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and takes very seriously the obligations of countries under international law to respect the inviolability of diplomatic missions”.

On Friday night, members of the Ecuadorian Police entered the Mexican embassy in Quito to apprehend Jorge Glas, who had received political asylum by the Mexican Government and had been at the Mexican headquarters since last December.

Mexico and Ecuador are crucial partners of the United States and we place a high value on our relations with both countries. “We urge the two nations to resolve their differences in accordance with international standards,” the State Department statement added.

What does the Vienna Convention say about diplomatic relations?

Ecuador's diplomatic compound in Mexico City was guarded since Friday night, when Mexico broke diplomatic relations with the South American nation, assuming violations of international law, specifically, the Vienna Convention.

He article 22 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 specifies that “the premises of the missions are inviolable. Agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the mission.”

The United States has taken 24 hours to pronounce about this breach of diplomatic protocols.

In a brief message, the Mexican Foreign Minister, Alicia Bárcena, announced that “given the flagrant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the injuries suffered by Mexican diplomatic personnel in Ecuador, Mexico announces the immediate breaking of diplomatic relations with Ecuador”.

The actions of Daniel Noboa's Government have provoked condemnation from several Latin American countries.