Ten tips to have a healthy and well-kept mouth

have a mouth healthy and healthy It is not an easy task. Dental cavities affect millions of people in the world, making it one of the most widespread common diseases, and many more suffer from periodontitis, a serious gum infection, according to the Council of Dentists of Spain.

How should we properly take care of our mouth to avoid these types of diseases? What do the experts recommend?


“The first step is to go to a professional who will diagnose your oral health and, from there, establish the appropriate habits,” says Luna Marcén, a doctor at the dental clinic firm Institutos Odontológico (IO).


According to the expert, it is important to comply with the following ten habits for our oral health:

1. Go to the dentist at least once a year

In general terms, according to an IO study, 96% of those surveyed say they go to a dental clinicthe most common frequency being twice a year.

Those over 61 years of age are the most frequent patients and in fact, almost a third of them (29%) visit the dentist once or twice each month.


“Patients with prostheses or dental implants It is advisable that they visit a professional more frequently, every 6 months,” recommends Josep Manel Relats, a doctor also from Dental Institutes.

2. Brush your teeth at least three times a day

According to the aforementioned study, almost half of those surveyed (42%) comply with this habit, but, however, the other half do not. Of them, 40% brush their teeth twice a day and up to 16% only do it once a day.


“The most important brushing is before going to sleep, since at night we secrete less saliva and the pH in our mouth decreases, so the bacterial biofilm has more time to form,” explains Relats.

3. Don’t bite your nails or chew on objects.

This action, so common in some people, can chip or even fracture some of your teeth, regardless of the bacteria that may have accumulated on both surfaces and that can jump into our mouth, generating problems such as gingivitis.


4. The opinion of a dentist before advice from people who are not professionals

Taking advice from people who are not professionals has a high risk, for example, regarding miracle products that whiten teeth and whose use without medical supervision can have Negative effects such as enamel abrasion, gum burns or dental hypersensitivity.

5. The tongue is also brushed

42% of the people who responded to the survey never use the tongue cleaner. Young people between 18 and 35 years old are the ones who most incorporate this habit into their oral cleaning routine, specifically 56%.


6. Don’t abuse gum

Frequent chewing causes your joint to work too hard and you may end up having discomfort.

7. Renew your brush

The brush should be changed approximately every 3 months or when its bristles are worn. If it is not changed after the recommended period, brushing may not be as effective in removing plaque, which will increase the risk of suffering from oral diseases.


8. Don’t smoke

Tobacco is a risk factor for developing gum diseases and also has static consequences in our mouth, such as discoloration or staining of the teeth and bad breath.

9. Avoid sweets and sugary drinks

It is advisable to moderate the consumption of sweet foods and drinks since bacteria In the mouth they feed on sugars and release acids as a byproduct, which can erode enamel and facilitate the appearance of cavities.


10. Use dental floss

Incorporating dental floss into your oral health helps eliminate the rest of the food and the bacterial plaque that accumulates between the teeth, recommends Luna Marcén. However, 31% of the population has never flossed, according to the IO survey. Those over 51 years of age are the ones who follow this recommendation the most (50.5 percent).

(With information from EFE)


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