Social Security: who will receive the payment of nearly $2,000 on Wednesday, January 15?

MIAMI.- The Social Security Administration (SSA) prepares to issue the payment to the millions of beneficiaries of the programamong whom are: retired workers, survivors and beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

The program, which this year is experiencing a 2.5% increase in the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), issued the first payment of 2025 on January 3, to SSI beneficiaries, due to the New Year holiday, for an amount ranging from $967 for one person and $1,450 for a couple.

Although payments are issued every Wednesday, depending on the beneficiaries’ birthday, the Social Security calendar experienced a change at the beginning of the year due to holidays, which led to those receiving benefits prior to 1997 receiving their payment on Friday, January 3.

Social Security Calendar

The following payments were carried out following the normally established order, so SSA recipients who have birthdays between the 1st and 10th, regardless of the month or year, they got their payment on January 8corresponding to the second payment Wednesday.

According to the dates of birth, now corresponds payment on the third Wednesday of the monthwhich is perceived by those born between days 11 and 20. Finally, the fourth wednesday payment January 21st to 31st will receive it.

This is a scheme that does not include workers who retired before May 1997 and SSI beneficiaries, who receive their payments during the first days of each month, regardless of their date of birth.

Who receives SSA on Wednesday, January 15?

Due to the COLA increase, the monthly payment for an SSA beneficiary this year will go from $1,976, for an individual retireeuntil the $3,089 for couples that they declare together; a greater amount than those benefiting from SSI, who obtain payments of $967 if individual and $1,450 for couples that they declare together.

This Wednesday, January 15, the third week payment corresponds, with an average of $2,000, for those who were born between the days 11th and 20th of any monthregardless of the year.

The last payment for the month of January, which is granted on the fourth Wednesday of the month, will be received by beneficiaries with dates of birth between the 21st and 31st.

This month, in addition, the SSI payment corresponding to the month of February will be advanced to Friday, January 31, as February 1 falls on the weekend.