Rick Scott, proud to be at Trump’s inauguration and accompany Edmundo González Urrutia

MIAMI.- “I am incredibly proud to attend President Donald Trump’s inauguration today and to be accompanied by the elected President of Venezuela Edmundo González Urrutia,” wrote Republican Senator Rick Scott in his X account after completing the formal ceremony of the inauguration of the new president of the United States.

President-elect González Urrutia was elected by the people of Venezuelaunder the leadership of @MariaCorinaYA, and is a beacon of hope for a new day of freedom for those oppressed by murderous dictator Nicolás Maduro,” Scott said.

He added that “as Maduro deprives the Venezuelan people of their rightful leaderopenly threatens the United States and holds Americans hostage, we must make clear that the United States will hold Maduro accountable and will not take these threats lightly.

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“As Governor and Senator, I have supported the people of Venezuela in their fight for freedom and democracy, and I hope to have a strong ally in President Trump in the White House who will do the same.”

The political leader Edmundo González, who is considered by the US and a large part of the international community as the legitimate president of Venezuela, attends President Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony, as the personal guest of Florida Senator Rick Scott.

Edmundo González thanked Rick Scott “for being my host at the inauguration ceremony of President Donald Trump. It has been a privilege to be among the few guests. This shows the commitment of the United States to the Venezuelan cause, our freedom and reconstruction of the democracy.

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Republican Senator Rick Scott has reiterated his commitment to Venezuela. He recently presented the STOP MADURO bill, which he is promoting together with a number of legislators and congressmen to increase $100 million reward offered by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for the capture of the Venezuelan dictatorNicolás Maduro, who intends to be sworn in for the next presidential term in Venezuela, despite having lost the presidential elections on July 28.