Rick Scott calls for “reimplanting sanctions” on Venezuela after the political disqualification of María Corina Machado

MIAMI_ Following the decision of the ruling Supreme Court of Justice to disqualify opposition leader and candidate María Corina Machado for 15 years, Senator Rick Scott spoke out and established a firm and forceful position demanding immediate action from Joe Biden’s government.

Decisive action

Senator Rick Scott reacted to the disqualification of the Venezuelan opposition leader and expressed on his .

Scott marked a firm stance towards the current policies of the Joe Biden government towards Venezuela.

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The senator questioned the trust previously placed with the Nicolás Maduro regime after the agreements established in Barbados.

Scott accused Maduro of having deceived the US government, and told Joe Biden, “You should never have trusted Maduro, and now that that thug has deceived you, you need to show that the United States will hit back,” he said on his account. of social network.

US government statement

This Saturday, January 27, the US Department of State issued a statement following the decision of the Political-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela to disqualify the winner of the democratic opposition primaries, María Corina Machado .

“It is inconsistent with the commitment of Nicolás Maduro’s representatives to hold competitive Venezuelan presidential elections in 2024.”

“The reinstatement process lacked basic elements,” since María Corina Machado “did not receive a copy of the accusations against her nor was she given the opportunity to respond to them,” adds the report from this federal entity.

FOUNTAIN: DLA EDITORIAL / US Department of State