They have already shouted to the sky, and the numbers do not lie, and each time the entry of genetically modified corn from the United States and the use of the herbicide glyphosate, have made our commercial neighbor complain because exports are falling so drastic, but be careful, that will also have an impact and an eventual shortage in Mexico.
All of this is already documented by the US government and presented to the panel that is reviewing the dispute under the USMCA defended by the Ministry of Economy, headed by Raquel Buenrostro, and where the neighbor complains about the restrictions imposed by Mexico. to transgenic corn and the use of glyphosate.
All because the United States accused that its exports of white corn to Mexico have plummeted around 40 percent in volume and 50 percent in total value since the publication of the president's decree. Andrés Manuel López Obrador, that prohibits the importation of genetically modified corn for human consumption.
Our main commercial partner in the “Reply Brief” assures that in the 11 months after the promulgation of the decree in February 2023, everything has gone wrong on this issue and the fall is attributed directly to “Mexico’s restrictions on the use of genetically modified corn.
To all this, for the government of Joe Biden The gradual replacement ordered by AMLO of imported transgenic corn “has created significant uncertainty” for farmers and companies in both nations.
And in that he is right, since Mexican farmers have also sent out the warning signal that these measures would soon be generating a real shortage not only of corn, but of other products due to the lack of authorized herbicides.
They cannot plan the next planting seasons, since they cannot begin to cultivate or market a new transgenic product, which is why Mexico, via Washington, has already been accused to demonstrate the alleged risks of genetically modified corn.
For the US government, Mexico has not presented any coherent theory or reasoning as to why transgenic corn would be unsafe in the face of evaluations, while they agree, the commercial impact of the restrictions could be very high, and also affect consumers. Mexicans. The fight is on.
Meeting of BBVA Mexico directors
More than 400 of the main businessmen and advisors of the largest bank in the entire country met on Camino Real, there they listened to the leading candidate on the first day Claudia Sheinbaum, who did not give a word about future members of his cabinet, yes, he confirmed that if he wins, one of the first calls will be for the current Secretary of the Treasury, Rogelio Ramirez, so that he remains in office and there is continuity.
Only the two candidates for the Presidency will be there; This Tuesday it's up to Xóchitl Gálvez, since the candidate Jorge Álvarez Máynez He did not confirm his attendance at the meeting.

Of course, the senior staff of BBVA Spain, was here Carlos Torrespresident of the Spanish group, highlighted at all times the potential and good times of our country.
This is because with the arrival of international investments in Mexico, its productive capacity has increased, as demonstrated by the exponential growth in industrial parks, which are fully occupied, which is why it is urgent that bottlenecks be resolved, such as in infrastructure. transportation, water supply and correct energy measures; If achieved, FDI will increase significantly.
He also announced that in July they will have the Second Sustainability Summit, a meeting where it will be stated once again that companies have to speed up the pace on this issue.
Keep track of Mifel

Without a doubt, having been one of the most relevant players in the process to acquire Banamex, placed Mifel, that carries Daniel Becker in a new position and vision before the general public, and that has been well capitalized by the Mexican financial group.
Proof of this is that Fitch Ratings raised its rating with the perspective of a stable long-term rating, since it recognizes that in the last two years, Mifel raised, among others, its capital indicators and also strengthened its financial profile by increasing its operating income and with a clear tendency to sustain an average of 2.5 percent for the coming years, which no matter how you look at it, augurs well for the bank.
For now, the bank, which is already among the top 10 institutions in the banking system, will seek to continue growing in its medium-sized bank business model, with a good market position in the business and commercial banking segment, and a specialization in certain sectors such as investment projects, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and agribusiness.
It should not be ruled out that just as in the past it tried to go public, again, after the road show that he did to look for investors in the purchase of Banamex, he can wait for a good time to resume that project.
Mexican mezcals in the US
The Oaxacan mezcaleros were the first to open the mezcal market to the whole world, and little by little other states were also acquiring the certification of origin, Guerrero, among them, and it has been a “boom” that hasn't stopped.
Now it was the turn of the brand Akul Mezcal Jóven and Akul Mezcal Cirial, which were included as house mezcals in Nobu Houston, which is one of the most exclusive Japanese restaurants in that Texas city.
The incorporation is a recognition of one of the Mexican distilleries that in recent years has taken on the task of conquering international markets, since it is also in the exclusive Matsuhisa Veil of Colorado.
A great advance for Mexican mezcals, which we hope will continue for more.
For now, the coin is in the air.