Medellin dresses up in flowers with its great annual party

MEDELLIN. – The Colombian city of Medellín, a quintessential ‘paisa’ land, is once again dressed in colors these days with the celebration of the Flower Fair and the influx of thousands of Medellin residents, Colombians and visitors from abroad.

The fair celebrates the journey that flower growers made on foot, with their large baskets or silletas on their backs, from the small town of Santa Elena to Medellín, some 18 kilometers, to offer the precious product.

The first celebration took place in 1957 and since then the fair has become a national event with strong international impact.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of flowers invade the streets of downtown Medellín: orchids, geraniums, heliconia and tulips, among many others.

In addition, there are cultural events, such as parades of peasants with their large flower-filled chairs and floats, dancing, music and popular dance.

In addition to the big fair, restaurants, bars, clubs and anyone who wants to can join in the festivities with parties and very attractive offers.

“We are a resilient city and Medellín is flourishing again,” said the city’s mayor, Federico Gutiérrez. “We are a resilient city and Medellín is flourishing again,” said the city’s mayor, Federico Gutiérrez.

The councillor also invited everyone to enjoy “our gastronomy, our mountains, our healthy festivals and our artists who are making the whole world dance.”

He added: “We have many activities. It is a fair for the people, a public fair.”

Among the airlines that offer service to Medellín, Avianca stands out, the flagship airline of Colombia.

With two or three daily flights between Miami and Medellin, the Colombian airline covers this route with modern Airbus 320 aircraft, with capacity for 180 passengers divided into three classes: Premium, Plus and Economy.