María Corina Machado reveals her political program in a talk with Daniel Habif

CARACAS.- Maria Corina Machadopresidential candidate of the Venezuelan opposition, does not rule out considering “officially the existence of two currencies” if she becomes president of Venezuela, but conditioned the change in the monetary system to “rigorous management” of the currency. central bank to avoid the issuance of inorganic money.

“The fundamental thing is that the Central Bank cannot issue inorganic currency, which is what decreases the value of the currency, and that is done either with restrictive mechanisms in monetary policy and with a serious and autonomous Central Bank, or by depending on a hard currency,” said the leader of Vente Venezuela, who defined herself as “liberal” above all.

In a virtual interview with Mexican journalist Daniel Habif, on his YouTube channel, the opposition presidential candidate presented part of her political program in which she briefly advanced her vision of the economy in Venezuelain severe crisis for almost 10 years due to the limited operation of the oil industry and inflation projected at 314% at the end of 2023.

We need migration in Venezuela

The migration Venezuela and the recovery of infrastructure were not left out of Machado’s action plan, to be able to reach the 2024 elections and be the first female president of Venezuela.

“I believe that our country faces an opportunity for transformation of a magnitude never seen before,” said the candidate, referring to the deterioration of democratic institutions and public services that encouraged a forced migration of almost 7 million Venezuelans in recent years.

When referring to the “brutal humanitarian crisis” in Venezuela, he indicated that the problems of services, security, financial and economic sovereignty, and the meager state capacities to address a normal situation will not prevent the return of the diaspora.

“That does not worry me because in order to put the country to work in all areas, such as water, electricity, infrastructure, we need the talent of those who migrated and who are trained with the latest technologies, discovering the best of other societies.”

Institutional sovereignty, according to María Corina Machado

The opposition candidate also highlighted the importance of rescuing institutions that are the basis of democracy, and pointed out that “here there was an ideological polarization that Chavismo sowed with a lot of money, a lot of propaganda, a lot of evil, but we have destroyed that now.”

“We have plans to attend to the first days of the emergency but in parallel we are building the entire institutional framework; The design of democratic, inclusive institutions is another paradigm,” he said.

He said that sovereignty is not only territorial. “We must expel foreign criminal groups, but it is also necessary to establish it in our own institutions, when you know that Cubans have infiltrated our armed forces, notaries, and identity system.” He said that sovereignty is not only territorial. “We must expel foreign criminal groups, but it is also necessary to establish it in our own institutions, when you know that Cubans have infiltrated our armed forces, notaries, and identity system.”

“We must have institutions of Venezuelans and led by Venezuelans, and for Venezuela to stop being the black box that it has become.”

(email protected)

FOUNTAIN: With information from Daniel Habif’s interview with María Corina Machado on her YouTube channel