Iran assures that it warned the US of the attack on Israel for the bombing of its consulate

Iran could review its “nuclear doctrine” – which until now dictated exclusively civil use of this energy – if Israel threatens to attack its atomic centers, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard warned this Thursday amid the escalation between the two countries.

“If the false Zionist regime wants to use the threat of attacks against our nuclear centers as a method of putting pressure on Iran, it is possible that Iran will review its nuclear doctrine and policy and leave previous considerations behind,” warned the general. Ahmad Haghtalabcommander of the Revolutionary Guard responsible for safeguarding Iranian atomic facilities, the Mehr agency reported.

Iran has until now assured that its nuclear program has an exclusively civilian purpose and even Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khameneieven issued a fatwa – religious ruling – condemning atomic weapons.

He notified the United States of the attack

The Iranian Foreign Minister, Hosein Amir Abdolahian, assured in New York that his country warned the United States that it would attack Israel in retaliation for the bombing of the consulate, something that Washington has denied.

“We said clearly through messages to the Americans that the decision made by the Supreme National Security Council headed by the (Iranian) president to punish the Zionist regime (Israel) was final and final,” Abdolahian said upon arrival in New York. .

“After the punitive action, at approximately 2:30 on Sunday, we sent another message to the United States through diplomatic channels in which we stated that we are not seeking an escalation of tension in the region”said the minister, as reported by the Iranian state agency IRNA.

Iran raises the tone of its warnings

The United States Government denied on Monday that Iran notified it in advance when the attack against Israel was going to take place and the targets it planned to hit, contradicting the version of the Iranian Government and other neighboring countries.

Iran launched an attack with missiles and drones against Israel last Saturday, in retaliation for the bombing against the Iranian consulate in Damascusin which seven members of the Revolutionary Guard died.

Israel has stated that they will respond to the Iranian attack, to which Tehran has raised the tone of its warnings and has in turn assured that it will take measures against a possible Israeli retaliation.

Abdolahian is in New York to participate in a meeting of the UN Security Councilwhich will vote on a resolution presented by Algeria to request Palestine's membership as a full UN state.