Honduran soccer player comes out of artificial coma after clash of heads

BORDEAUX.- The forward from Hondurasof the Bordeaux club, Alberth Elis, “victim of a craniocerebral trauma” in a French second division match on Saturday, emerged this Wednesday from the artificial coma into which he had been induced, his family reported.

“We are happy to share with you the first hopeful signs: Alberth woke up and seems to be progressively recovering,” said his family, who will remain “cautious about the evolution of his condition.”

Likewise, they also indicated that the coming days will be fundamental in the footballer’s recovery process.

“The next few days will be crucial, Alberth is a fighter,” he added.


He 28 year old playerwho suffered a blow to the head during an aerial duel against a Guingamp player after only 40 seconds of play, underwent surgery overnight from Saturday to Sunday at the Pellegrin hospital in Bordeaux, where he underwent a “protective induced coma.”

The Honduran soccer player hit his head in an aerial duel with defender Donatien Gomis, who recovered quickly while Elis collapsed and needed treatment for several minutes before being evacuated.

Tension in Honduras:

So far, it is unknown what the future might hold for Elis.

“We have no idea of ​​the possible consequences in this situation,” said a source close to Bordeaux this Wednesday, after the family’s announcement.

Nicknamed ‘La Pantera’, he is a figure in Honduran soccer (64 caps, 13 goals) who became known in the American MLS championship in Houston before making the leap to Europe in 2020 with Boavista of Portugal.

During his first season in Bordeaux, in the 2021-2022 season, he scored 9 goals in 20 Ligue 1 games but could not avoid the club’s relegation. After a loan to Brest, back in Ligue 1, he returned to Bordeaux last summer.