End of the double game of the para-dictatorial governments of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Honduras

Para-dictatorial are the “democratic governments that serve the dictatorships of organized crime, sustain them, seek to legitimize them, breach international obligations, betray and harm their national interests.” They are the presidents of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Honduras that have put government, country, foreign policy and internal resources at the service of dictatorships that under the command of Cuba submit to the peoples of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia. The United States foreign policy with Trump 47 points out the end of the double game of benefiting as democracies while serving crime.

With a label of “anti -imperialism”, populist narrative, state terrorism with political prisoners and kidnappings to exchange them for their criminals, the socialism of the 21 people, political destabilization, attack on the principles and values ​​of freedom and other forms of “hybrid war”. The dictatorships of socialism of the 21st century aggregate, invade and threaten the entire region, backed by para-dictatorial democratic governments, whose leaders have led to power so that they function as their satellites.

It is necessary to repeat that the hybrid war is “the strategy in which all kinds of media and procedures are used, conventional force or irregular media (insurgency, terrorism, migration, common crime, drug trafficking, cybernetics…)”, is “a new type of War that the asymmetric war is over (regular army against insurgent force) “, and that it has the” advantage that the aggressor can prevent the attack attributing. “

The current and historical objective reality of recent years demonstrates that the stability of the democratic countries of the Americas has been and is attacked with forced migration, drug trafficking, common organized and transnational crime, trafficking in people, internal destabilization, murder of the reputation of democratic leaders, physical murders, terrorism and a system destined to weaken the principles and values ​​based on human rights and individual freedoms.

The most important victim is the United Statesbut countries like Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Panama, Paraguay, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, In truth, all democratic countries of the Americasthey have suffered and suffer the effects of the forced migrations produced and manipulated by the dictatorships of the 21st century socialism, of drug trafficking operated from the narco -estents of Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua, of the penetration of criminal organizations that are operational instruments of this Permanent destabilization system that works with para-dictatorial.

Organized crime controlled Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua uses sovereignty, international representation and politics to destroy democracies. In this aggression he seeks and achieves-by means of elections in democratic countries-the formation of governments under their control, sponsoring and promoting candidates that once in power make the country para-dictatorial. They are the cases of López Obrador and now his successor Claudia Sheinbaum in Mexico, by Luis Inacio Lula da Silva in Brazil, Gustavo Petro in Colombia and Xiomara Castro in Honduras. Now unmarked Gabriel Boric from Chile.

The Para-dictatorial governments are accepted and benefit from the entire democratic system and from it sustain dictatorshipsthis is your double game. It is demonstrated by the position of Mexico, Brazil, Colombia and Honduras regarding the elections in Venezuela with their support for the occupation and invasion that – fraud and crimes in between – perpetra Nicolás Maduro as a spearhead of the socialism of the 21st century under command of The dictatorship of Cuba.

In the economic and commercial sphere they benefit from the entire democratic system of free market while supporting criminal groups linked to dictatorships such as the ELN and the FARC in Colombia; Drug posters in Mexico that have controlled states of that country as narcoestados; They disguise and sponsor operations from China, Russia and Iran; support the Russian invasion of Ukraine; They condemn Israel’s defense against terrorism; They attack the international economic system and propose world alliances with dictatorships as Lula has done; or break extradition treaties to protect drug traffickers such as Castro in Honduras.

Para-dictatorial governments have the United States as a market and participate in hybrid attack operations. For example, Mexico that has decorated the dictator of Cuba Diaz Canel, has received with honors and has not executed the International Detention Order against Nicolás Maduro, has protected Evo Morales by extracting him from Bolivia to avoid his arrest, hire slave staff of the Castro dictatorship and conceals Daniel Ortega’s crimes, giving him a legitimate government status …

*Lawyer and political scientist. Director of the Inter -American Institute for Democracy
