Donald Trump continues winning streak in primaries ahead of Super Tuesday

Donald Trump is scoring one victory after another in the US Republican presidential primaries. When will the internal party race finally be decided?

Republican Donald Trump has continued his victory in his party’s US presidential primaries. As expected, the former president and current presidential candidate won the internal party votes in the states of Missouri and Idaho on Saturday (local time), as broadcasters NBC and CNN reported, citing their own forecasts.

Missouri is located in the middle of the country and has a population of around six million. As in other states, voting was not carried out in the traditional way at polling stations, but rather at small party meetings – so-called caucus meetings.

Nikki Haley will no longer be given a chance to beat Donald Trump

Trump has so far won all votes in his party’s primaries for the presidential election in the fall. The only remaining internal party competitor – the former US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley – was unable to win. It is unclear how long Haley will remain in the race, as she is effectively no longer given a chance to beat Trump. Despite various scandals, escapades and a chaotic term in office, the ex-president has great support among the party base.

Anyone who wants to become a presidential candidate in the USA must first prevail in internal party primaries. The candidates are then officially chosen at party conferences in the summer. The Republican nomination convention will take place in mid-July. The actual presidential election will take place at the beginning of November. For the Democrats, incumbent President Joe Biden wants to run for another term. He has no serious competition in his party’s internal race.