Could your partner be responsible for your weight gain? This is what the experts say

The debate over who is responsible for weight gain in a relationship is a complex issue that encompasses physical, emotional and social aspects. The nutrition doctor Giselle Escañoin a recent interview in La Mesa Caliente, addressed this issue, highlighting that Excess body fat can be influenced by several factors, including your partner's diet..

It is crucial to understand that body weight is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, physical and clinical factors, as Dr. Escaño mentions. However, Is it fair to blame our partner for our weight gain?

The answer, as Dr. Escaño suggests, is not as simple as pointing the finger at our partner. In a relationship, eating and lifestyle habits tend to converge, and It is natural for couples to share meals and activities. This can influence the dietary choices and physical activity levels of both partners.

It is essential to approach this situation with compassion and understanding. Dr. Escaño advises that, instead of blaming our partner, we must set limits and focus on our own well-being. Loving and respecting our bodies means making healthy decisions, regardless of our partner's choices.

A survey conducted by the Spanish Obesity Society (SEEDO), reveals that Emotions play a significant role in our body weight during a relationship since the beginning of it, may be associated with greater motivation to take care of our health, while the end of a relationship may lead to less healthy eating behaviors and weight gain.

What happens when a relationship ends? According to the survey, many people experience increased concern about their weight after a breakup. This suggests that emotions can influence our eating habits and our relationship with our body.

It is important to note that body weight does not define our worth as individuals. Regardless of our sentimental situation, It is essential to prioritize our physical and emotional health. This may involve seeking support from health professionals, such as nutritionists and therapists, to develop healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

In conclusion, Blaming our partner for our weight gain can be unfair and unconstructive.. Instead of pointing fingers, we should focus on cultivating healthy self-love and making conscious decisions that promote our physical and emotional well-being.

(With information from EFE)