As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump raised doubts about the US's willingness to provide military assistance. Pollsters see a large majority in Germany in favor of higher defense spending.
According to a survey, a clear majority of German citizens are in favor of Germany and the European NATO allies significantly increasing their defense spending in the changed security situation. In a study by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of the magazine “Internationalepolitik”, 68 percent were in favor of this. 29 percent were against this. The survey was available to the dpa.
A majority in all population and voter groups surveyed believe that Germany and the NATO members in Europe should significantly increase defense spending in the future, although approval was higher in western Germany and among men overall. The greatest support for an increase is found among supporters of the Union (90 percent), the lowest among those of the AfD (61 percent). 72 percent of SPD supporters are in favor, 75 percent of the Greens and 88 percent of the FDP.