Biden, in the middle of the electoral campaign, makes the most populist speech of his mandate

The assertion cannot be further from reality economic crisis that Americans have suffered since Biden came to power, but very much in tune with an election year, and very similar to the unfulfilled promises he made in 2020.

The President seemed to be more within a Hollywood theatrical script than speaking to the people of the United States. His presentation was aimed at all times at convincing voters of his supposed vigor physical and mental, and pass a necessary public examination after his recent and serious cognitive errors, which set off all the alarms inside and outside of Washington.

Biden avoided giving figures on immigrant arrivals that already exceed 9 million, much less delving into the thorny issue of immigration that ranks in all surveys as the most urgent demand of Americans. What it did was divert attention towards former President Trump and towards a bill that advocates the same disorder and lack of control on the border, hence the flat refusal of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, to discuss the plan.

“I will not demonize immigrants by saying that they are poisoning the blood of our country,” he said.

The Democrat called on the House of Representatives, under Republican control, to approve a bipartisan bill that allows “restricting” the flow of migrants on the border with Mexico, “favors” accelerated expulsions and “toughens” the standard of the so-called credible fear interviews to request asylum.

The above demonstrates once again that Biden, with all the legal power to close the border for national security as he himself opened it from the first day of his mandate, does not want to do it and constantly diverts attention by blaming the Republicans, who demand a orderly and respectful immigration of the Law and the Constitution of the country; not the disaster that the Biden administration maintains.

The White House has wasted more than $600 billion in direct and indirect costs and out of taxpayers’ pockets on the country’s southern border.

The speech of the head of the Oval Office also represented the dead end road that he has in the face of disapproval of his management that exceeds 70% in surveys carried out even among voters and young Democrats only.

There is no doubt that from now on, Biden will appeal to all possible pamphlets to try to change the current opinion of voters against him.

“I took office determined to help us get through one of the most difficult periods in our nation’s history (…) It’s not in the news, but in thousands of cities and towns, Americans are writing the greatest recovery story ever counted,” Biden said.

Millions of Americans, if they were interested in the President’s speech, had to delve into the stupor of statements about the economy when more than 64% of consumers cannot make ends meet with their income, which has been reduced by more than 30% due to the worst inflation in the last almost five decades.

Now, a person pays more than double for many products than during the peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 under the government of President Donald Trump, in the midst of a recession due to the health crisis.

From his first day in the Oval Office, Biden and his more than 74 executive orders in less than two weeks destroyed all of President Donald Trump’s beneficial economic work and immediately introduced the United States into the worst inflation in the last five decades, which was rose to 9.1%. Independent analysts agree that the figure was much higher.

Biden has broken all negative records

Joe Biden’s government has broken all the negative records in economic indices of the nation. It can only speak to the low unemployment numbers, thanks to the more than 6 million jobs created by the Trump cabinet’s actions and then the COVID-19 pandemic, when hundreds of thousands of Americans left their jobs to live on the massive and unnecessary aid delivered by the Biden administration, many others went to work from home on platforms and social networks.

There began another enormous crisis that lasted two years: the labor shortage and the figure that reached 11.9 million vacant jobs that companies have not been able to fill until now, despite the fact that the number has dropped to less than 9 million.

And to this were added the historic consecutive falls in home sales for more than 14 months and the trend continues, an unprecedented contraction that still persists in manufacturing activity just like the banking crisis in 2023. The US trade deficit in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 rose to record figures and reached almost one trillion dollars (trillion in English) in 2022, along with the current public debt of 34 trillion dollars (trillions in English).

The war on the oil industry undertaken since Biden took office in the White House, fuel prices skyrocketed and therefore an escalation of prices and inflation. The average price of a regular gallon of gasoline exceeded $5 and in some states drivers paid up to $8 for the same product.

The Biden administration blame the pandemicwhen when he came to power the pandemic was in decline and the American economy – thanks to Trump’s urgent measures – was in full and astonishing economic recovery from a temporary recession due to the health crisis.

Biden purposely set back the US economy and generated the largest federal expenditures of an administration – with the exception of 2020 due to the pandemic – in US history.

Trump leads the polls

From the beginning of his speech, Biden did not stop attacking former President Trump. Nor was anything different expected given the results of the polls and his level of unpopularity among Americans. This time, Biden does have everything to lose and almost nothing to highlight from the three years of his government, except for his unemployment figure.

Former President Trump, in addition to being the protagonist of the primary elections being held in the country and sweeping Super Tuesday where he secured his Republican nomination, leads in all national surveys with 6 and 8 points ahead of Joe Biden, who now also faces massive scrutiny over his mental and physical health after a report made public by special prosecutor Robert Hur.

In the conclusions of his investigation into the classified and top secret documents found in different Biden properties, it was revealed that the current tenant of the White House could not mention the date on which he was vice president during the administration of Barack Obama (2008-2016) nor the date of death of his son in 2015.

Days later, Biden called the president of Mexico by the name of the Egyptian leader Abdel Fattah al Sisi, instead of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. He confused the French leader Emmanuel Macron with the deceased in 1996, Francois Mitterrand and referred to the border between the US and Mexico as the Gaza Strip, in addition to confusing his sister with his wife, Jill Biden, in a speech during the election campaign. in 2020. This shows that Biden’s cognitive problems date back to before he reached the White House.

In another point of his speech, Biden spoke of “a future based on the fundamental values ​​that define America.” USA: honesty, decency, dignity, equality” to criticize the electoral revenge announcements of his already certain opponent in November, Donald J. Trump.

About freedom and democracy

The president, as he has said on several occasions to intimidate the electorate, just like in 2020, referred to that “freedom and democracy are under attack” due to Trump’s eventual nomination.

In the last three years, Americans have seen a barrage of attacks on democracy, the stability of the country and the use of Justice for political purposes and partisan interests.

All the accusations that Trump and his closest followers now face are some of the examples of the open assault to democracy. The security chaos on the southern border is another exponent of non-compliance with immigration laws and the country’s Constitution, along with attempts to even remove the former president from the electoral ballots in various states governed by the extreme left.

Biden, as was also expected on the way to his another big fiasco which is the war in Ukraine, once again urged Congress to vote on another aid package to Ukraine – for more than $60 billion – to supposedly “stop Putin.” Three other previous packages have not stopped the advance of the Russian army or the bombings in Ukraine, which suggests that more aid will make a difference.

For two years, the Ukrainian army, as the Republicans claim, has received all types of weapons, drones, ammunition and anti-aircraft means. Nothing has stopped the war and even less has it given signs of an eventual victory for the Ukrainians over Russia.

To show some strength and firmness in front of the White House, Biden told Russian President Vladimir Putin: “I will not bow.”

Biden continued on the same tightrope regarding Israel: on the one hand he defends it and on the other he attacks it in a clear position of ambiguity in the interest of pleasing everyone.

In his speech he called for an “immediate ceasefire” for six weeks between Israel and Hamas and then lashed out at Tel Aviv: Israel cannot use aid to Gaza as a “bargaining chip.”

(email protected)

FOUNTAIN: With information from AFP and other sources.